Tour of Tuscany (Day 3)

Table of contents
Much more relaxing than the day before, this route is rolling, except for the start bump, which is not that difficult, and the arrival in Florence, where the hotel was built on a hill. But then, what a hotel! A palace with rooms all more beautiful than the others. And the view on the city of Florence and its famous Duomo is not negligible, either.

Départ de Firenzuola

The start from Firenzuola was under the rain and it didn’t stop during the day. Except for the first ten kilometers, the morning was rather quiet and very rolling. The 82 kilometers are easily covered in less than 3 hours, and that’s good. The afternoon was reserved for visiting the city.

The hotel

The hotel chosen by Sport Azur, built on a hill outside the tourist town, was a real surprise for all the participants. It looks like a castle, with its garden. A real beauty.

Arrival under the rain

Rainy day, but the good mood was radiant.

Some of the participants


Florence is the capital of Tuscany and an obligatory stop to visit its downtown. First, its monuments and its Duomo, then the bridge of the Trinity. An unforgettable memory.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Tour of Ireland (Day 12)

Tour of Sottens

Télégraphe and Galibier

Tour of Gantrisch

Tour of Corsica (Day 4)

Tour of Ireland (Day 6)

Col of La Croix

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

The Grand-Paradis

Also to be consulted

The Brévine

Tour of Tuscany (Day 2)

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

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