Week-end in Cairo

The most beautiful pictures

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To spend a weekend in Cairo is of course to go and see the Gizèh plateau and its millenary pyramids and its sphynx. Cairo has much more to offer, starting with its river, the Nile, majestic at sunset, its maze of alleys, its Egyptian museum and all these fabulous treasures, its noisy and fragrant souks, its dance shows, its gastronomy.

Egypt is a fascinating country, if only for its civilization several millennia old. Egypt often rhymes with archaeology and, when we think of Cairo, the first thing that comes to mind is its majestic pyramids, located just outside the city center, at the gates of the desert. To get there, the best way is still by Taxi. It takes about 30 minutes to get there. The visit is unavoidable. 4500 years of history contemplates you. It is the oldest archaeological site open to the public, known to this day.

The main pyramids are located on the Gizèh plateau. There are 3 pyramids on this plateau, Cheops, Khephren and Mykerinos. The pyramid of Cheops, the largest, is one of the 7 wonders of the world. The 3 pyramids constituting the plateau are aligned in the image of the constellation of Orion.

The pyramid of Cheops

The pyramid of Cheops is the largest of them. It is the most majestic, it culminates at 139m.

The pyramid of Khephren

Khephren’s pyramid is recognizable among a thousand with its smooth top that stands out as if it were wearing a hat.

The pyramid of Mykerinos

The plateau of Gizèh is gigantic. It takes several hours to walk around it. The pyramid of Mykerinos is a little behind the two others. It is also the smallest.

The pyramid of Mykerinos

The sphynx

And, we must not forget the sphynx, guardian of the square, 73m long and 20m high. It is quite simply the largest statue erected by man.

The pyramid of Dahshur

The plateau of Gizèh is not the only place where pyramids can be found. Around Cairo, we can go, still by cab, to the sites of Dahshur and Saqqarah. If the pyramids are much less impressive there, there are also much less tourists. The silence here is very impressive compared to the great plateau.

You can visit the interior of most of the pyramids. The entrance is usually located in the front, then a main staircase leads quickly down to the basement. You don’t have to be claustrophobic to enter. Below, the belly of Dahshur.

The pyramid of Saqqarah

Another site to visit in the same time is Saqqarah. The pyramid is recognizable by its stepped structure. Archaeologists have recently discovered there new burial chambers decorated and painted with red ochre pigments.

The paintings on the site of Saqqarah

View on the desert

Saqqarah is located in the middle of the desert. We don’t really have the choice but to go there by cab. Some drivers make you visit all the pyramids, starting with the smallest, up to the plateau of Gizèh. They wait for you the time that you will need between the various sites. The view on the desert is surprising.

View on the desert from the pyramid of Saqqarah

Cairo Egyptian Museum

A true golden work of art

But Cairo has much more to offer. Starting with its Egyptian museum and the fabulous sarcophagus of Tutankhamun. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to photograph it. I have chosen other shrouds, less impressive because of their size, but just as elaborate.

A death mask

The souks of El-Azhar

To fully immerse yourself in Cairo’s life, nothing beats a stroll through its countless alleyways.

The Nile

The Nile flows in the middle of the city center. A stroll along its banks in the evening at sunset is simply refreshing. A moment of pure happiness.

Table of Contents
Also to be consulted

Weekend in London

Week-end in Prague


Northern Europe – Russia

Peru – Bolivia – Ecuador

Vietnam and Cambodia

A few days in China

Week-end in Istanbul

The route to Everest

Simon Berger’s exhibition

Also to be consulted

Vietnam and Cambodia

Morocco and Atlas on mountain bike

The route to Everest

Peru – Bolivia – Ecuador

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