United States (West Coast)

The most beautiful pictures

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A road trip of the west coast of the United States of America made during the summer of 1994. Here are some of the most beautiful pictures taken along the way.


The United States is a vast, vast country. It is almost impossible to visit it in one go. This travel is a slide show of pictures taken during a road trip with a friend, during the summer of 1994, from north to south, along the Pacific coast. From Seattle to San Diego, then on the way back through Arizona, Utah, Montana. Of course, there are the big cities, the ocean, and the national parks. But also corners of nature still preserved where it is good to pitch the tent.


First city visited, in the state of Washington, in the far northwest. Its population, in 1994, was close to half a million and should double by 2030. Located on the Pacific coast, Seattle is above all a very pleasant port city to visit.

Mont Rainier

Located about 150km from Seattle on the highway, Mount Rainier is a still active volcano, whose summit reaches 4392m in altitude. Its last eruption was in 1894 and the landscape still remembers it.


Portland is the capital of Oregon. It is about the same size and number of inhabitants as Seattle, with about 500’000 inhabitants (in 1994). The Columbia River runs through it and into the Pacific Ocean. The city was founded in 1845.

Pacific Ocean

Driving down the west coast of the Pacific is really unforgettable. Especially at the end of the day, when the sun is going down.

San Francisco

Located at 1000km from Portland, along the coast, the city of San Francisco has about 800’000 inhabitants (in 1994). It is the 4th largest city in the state of California, after Los Angeles, San Diego and San Jose. San Francisco is known for its bridge, the “Golden Gate”, its prison “Alcatraz” and its fishing docks.


The most famous prison in the history of American penitentiaries. “Al Capone”, among others, stayed there. Three fugitives, the “Anglin” brothers and “Frank Morris” went on the lam in 1962. The penitentiary closed in 1963.

Giant Sequoias forests

Giant Sequoia National Park is located about 400km from San Francisco, on the road to Fresno. It is also called “Redwood forest”. The trees can measure up to 9m in diameter and over 80m high.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles, also called “City of Angels” or “La La Land”, is the 2nd largest city in the United States, after New York. It has more than 3 million inhabitants (in 1994) and is expected to reach 4 million by 2030. Los Angeles is known for the Disneyworld park, the Beverly Hills district and the Hollywod letters on its hill, as well as for the “Sunset Boulevard” and its movie stars.


One of the most famous franchise of Hollywood cinema, “Star Wars”, with R2D2, C3PO and the X-Wings

… Without omitting a small part of Switzerland, where the Americans manufacture a pale copy of our so beautiful Matterhorn.

The Matterhorn


Hollywood or the “Sacred Wood”, does not really exist. Its hill belongs to the Beverly Hills neighborhood.

Beverly Hills

Redondo Beach

Los Angeles is also known for its beaches. The most famous being Malibu, Santa Monica and Redondo Beach.


Phoenix is a city located in the state of Arizona. It is located at 600km from Los Angeles, in the middle of the desert. It is very hot. The temperature, in summer, can exceed 50 degrees Celsius. It is an ideal stopover for those who want to visit the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon National Parks.

The Phoenix palms

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon National Park is part of the “Colorado River” Basin. The canyon is more than 450km long, with a height of 800m in some places. The national park is by far the most visited by tourists. Each year, 5 million visitors come to admire its landscapes or go hiking.

Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon National Park is located 700km from Phoenix, in southern Utah. It covers 150km2 and was founded in 1928. It is the erosion caused by the wind and the rain which gave to its pillars of red, white, ochre colors, this famous architecture. The park is always in motion.

Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is the largest city in Utah. Founded in 1847 by the first pioneers who were also the first followers of the Mormon order. The Mormons, a Christian religion, have the largest family tree database. It is also a mountain region and a ski area. The lake is salty, hence the name Salt Lake City.


Yellowstone National Park is located in the state of Wyoming and also extends into Idaho and Montana. It was the first national park opened to tourists in 1872. It attracts more than 4 million people a year and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978. The most famous attraction of the park is the “Old Faithful Geyser”. The park measures over 9000 km2.


In 1864, Yosemite National Park was the first natural area to be protected in the United States. It covers an area of 2000km2. It is well known for its waterfalls, hiking and recreational activities.

Another point of interest in Yosemite is its half-domed mountain peak.

Yosemite National Park

Table of Contents
Also to be consulted

Mount Kilimanjaro

Canada (West)

At the foot of the Grand Combin


Week-end in Prague


Murten Festival of Lights

Hiking in Wicklow National Park

Malaysia and Singapore

Vietnam and Cambodia

Also to be consulted

Week-end in Istanbul

Mount Kilimanjaro

Vietnam and Cambodia


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