Tour of Tuscany (Day 4)

Table of contents
Siena is a city well known to tourists for its city center and its Palio, a horse race that takes place twice a year in summer. But Siena is also a beautiful tourist city with a lot to offer.

Start from Florence

Another quiet day. The departure from Florence is simply grandiose. A road on the ramparts, not authorized to motor vehicles, allows to stop and photograph the surrounding landscape.


Siena or Sienna in italian, is a city well known for its Palio, a large square transformed twice a year into a racetrack. Tourists flock to see this spectacle. It takes place in the summer, in July and August. It is very pleasant to lose yourself in its alleys.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Tour of Ireland (Day 2)

Col of La Croix

Tour of Ireland (Day 10)

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

Tour of Lake Schiffenen

Tour of Ireland (Day 3)

Tour of Corsica (Day 3)

Also to be consulted

Tour of Corsica (Day 2)

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Tour of Tuscany (Day 1)

Tour of Ireland (Day 6)

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