Tour of Tuscany (Day 1)

Table of contents
Pisa is a good starting point. It is the capital of Tuscany and is well known for its leaning tower, which is not without interest. On the program of this first day in Italy, the passing of the Arno to leave the city, the crossing of the city of Lucca, and some 100km to finish in the charming city of Pievepelago


This tour of Tuscany, like others, was organized by Sport Azur, a company based in France. Without wanting to advertise them, the team members have become friends with whom these tours would never have taken place.

Start from Pisa (First day)

Capital of Tuscany, Pisa is a large city of about 90’000 inhabitants. It is a very touristic city. To come at the end of May is an ideal moment, both for the still pleasant temperature of late spring, and for the tourist season which is not yet in full swing.


After crossing the Arno River, a little more than 20km from Pisa is the first town on the route, Lucca. This city is surrounded by a wall and has a very pleasant central square.


Located halfway between Bologna and Florence, Pievepelago is not well known by tourists. It is nevertheless a pretty town, with an interesting historical center. The area is known for its many sporting activities, including cycling and skiing in winter.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Tour of Gantrisch

Tour of Corsica (Day 4)

The Brévine

Télégraphe and Galibier

Tour of Ireland (Day 3)

Tour of Tuscany (Day 6)

The Grand-Paradis

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Also to be consulted

Télégraphe and Galibier

Tour of Ireland (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 11)

The Grand-Paradis

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