Tour of the Lake of Morat

Table of contents
A classic of the Cyclophile Romontois, ridden almost every year. A nice ride around the Lake of Morat with its famous ascent of the Mont Vully which is a real legs breaker. The view from the top is splendid.

Start from Romont

The departure is with the colleagues of the Cyclophile Romontois, from the Bicubic of Romont.

We cross the cantons of Fribourg and Vaud via Villaz-St-Pierre, Villarimboud, Torny-le-Grand, Ponthaux, Léchelles, Russy, to Avenches.

Once the industrial zone of Avenches is free, the first contact with the lake shore is in Faoug. Then we pass by Courgevaux, Morat, Galmiz, before reaching Sugiez.

Municipality of Mont-Vully and Lake of Morat

The difficulty of the tour

The only difficulty of the course is the climb in the vicinity of Sugiez. The climb is not long, but steep.

Lake of Morat

Route back

The return is done via Lugnores, Vallon, Payerne, Trey, Châtonnaye, Villaz-St-Pierre.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Tour of Corsica (Day 6)

Tour of Corsica (Day 3)

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Télégraphe and Galibier

The Brévine

Tour of Ireland (Day 4)

Tour of Corsica (Day 2)

Tour of Corsica (Day 4)

Also to be consulted

Tour of Corsica (Day 2)

Tour of Ireland (Day 8)

The Grand-Paradis

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

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