Tour of the lake of Gruyère

Table of contents
Here is a proposal for a complete tour of the lake of Gruyère starting from Fuyens, in a clockwise direction. It follows the southern and northern shores along their entire length, with Broc in the foreground.

Start from Fuyens

Starting from my hamlet, this tour of the lake passes through the villages of Chavannes-sous-Orsonnens, Posat, Magnedens, Corpataux, goes up to Arconciel, before going straight on the south border of the lake through Treyvaux, La Roche, Hauteville, Corbières, Broc.

Broc’s chocolate factory

Passing through Broc, the road winds its way along a small path to avoid the city center and the chocolate factory. A little further on, it crosses the Sarine on a narrow bridge before reaching Morlon, Echarlens, Vuippens.

The cantine

In Vuippens, the traffic becomes heavier and the route crosses the main road. The slope up to the Cantine is pleasant and the view on the lake on the right is simply magnificent. If you have time, consider stopping at the Vignier restaurant for a drink. The view is simply breathtaking.

View from the Vignier restaurant at the Cantine

Way back

The route continues through Le Bry, Vuisternens-en-Ogoz, Villargiroud, Orsonnens and the final climb to Fuyens.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Corsica (Day 1)

Tour of Corsica (Day 4)

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Tuscany (Day 3)

Tour of Ireland (Day 11)

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Tour of Gantrisch

Tour of Ireland (Day 12)

Tour of the Lake of Morat

Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Col of La Croix

Tour of Ireland (Day 1)

Tour of Ireland (Day 12)

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