Tour of Ireland (Day 2)

Table of contents
From Drogheda (Louth County) to the town of Monaghan. We skim the border of Northern Ireland, without crossing it. This second stage will show a nice postcard of Ireland between green pastures and majestic rivers.

Leaving Drogheda

County Louth is the smallest county in Ireland. Its proximity to Dublin makes it an area where commuters live. It is a quiet region. Drogheda is located less than 50km from Dublin, via the freeway. Originally, it is a stronghold, surrounded by the River Boyne. It has an imposing cathedral, many pubs and restaurants and is a good place for bicycle tourists.

Drogheda’s front door
The Boyne River


We continue our coastal road by crossing the villages of Baltray, Termonfeckin, Clogherhead. At the crossing with the R166, follow the old yellow sign to reach the village of Annagassan. The road is really pretty.



A few more kilometers before turning inland to the picturesque village of Castlebellingham. We follow the road to Louth, then we change county to reach Inniskeen. Here we are in the county of Monaghan, whose chief town is our point of fall for this second stage. A good idea to stop for a snack break in Inniskeen.

Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh

It is the village of the poet Patrick Kavanagh (1904-1967). He composed many texts and songs of the Irish tradition. There is a museum in his name, but I have not visited it.

Gathering the bits of road that were not gravel to the traveler but eternal lanes of joy on which no man who walks can die.


After a pretty maxim of the poet, we take again the road on a good twenty km separating us from the next village of Casleblayney and its splendid white castle.

The Castleblayney’s castle


Another twenty kilometers or so and we will arrive in Monaghan, a pretty little town from the 18th century, spared by mass tourism. A very pleasant place to stop and as usual, finish the day at the pub.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Ireland (Day 9)

Tour of Ireland (Day 6)

Télégraphe and Galibier

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Tour of Corsica (Day 4)

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

Col of La Croix

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

Tour of Ireland (Day 4)

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