Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

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The road between Tinahely and Dublin will take two days. It’s raining…I stopped a little before the Glendalough area where I went in 2016 to hike. My choice was the small village of Rathdrum.

This morning, there is a phony smile on my face. It’s pouring rain. I was planning to go to Dublin, but well, it would be almost a shame to cross the beautiful county of Wicklow and its green paradise, head in the handlebars and mist in the glasses. I take the road nevertheless to the village of Rathdrum, a small town of 2000 inhabitants.

I stop for coffee at the Cartoon Inn, and … I never left. That’s what cycling is all about. You have to know how to say stop when the weather lets you down. I had originally planned to complete this tour of Ireland in 12 days, but I’ll end up doing it in 14 days.

Rathrum Cartoon Inn
Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Gantrisch

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Lake Schiffenen

Tour of Ireland (Day 2)

Tour of Ireland (Day 8)

Tour of Ireland (Day 11)

Tour of Corsica (Day 6)

Tour of Sottens

Tour of Ireland (Day 9)

Tour of Corsica (Day 1)

Also to be consulted

Tour of the Lake of Morat

Tour of the lake of Gruyère

The Brévine

Tour of Ireland (Day 5)

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