World Exhibition ’02

The most beautiful pictures

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The 2002 World Exhibition in Switzerland. That’s a good memory and some nice pictures. So many happy moments of walking around the arteplages, these ephemeral exhibition places that did not survive the summer.


Switzerland was elected as the host country for the World Expo, in the summer of 2002.

It took place around four different host cities, Yverdon-les-Bains, Neuchâtel, Biel and Morat, as well as on a mobile barge representing the canton of Jura.

All of the exhibition venues promote the three-lake region of Neuchâtel, Biel and Murten.

Each location represents an “Arteplage” and was dedicated to a theme.

  • Neuchâtel represents the theme “Nature and artifice”.
  • Yverdon-les-Bains represents the theme “I and the universe”.
  • Biel represents the theme “Power and freedom”.
  • Morat represents the theme “Instants and eternity”.

Murten Arteplage

The arteplage of Murten represents a monolith planted in the middle of the lake which can be reached by using a barge. The interior of the metal cube offers visitors exhibitions based on the ephemeral. The cube will be dismantled at the end of the summer, but in the meantime, the reflection of the sun on the water of the lake is of great beauty and the fading light of the day invites to marvel.

Yverdon-les-Bains Arteplage

The arteplage of Yverdon-les-Bains represents a big cloud wrapped in a fog made with hundreds of small nozzles projecting fine water droplets. It has even been named “Blur”. And it’s true that once inside, the vision is blurred to the point of not seeing your own feet.

Biel Arteplage

The Arteplage in Biel is built around three large towers, whose interior can be visited. About ten other exhibitions revolve around this main center. At night, the colors games bring their magic to the whole architecture.

One of the proposed annexes shows a forest of poles on which humorous messages inviting to reflection are posted. At night, a show mixing water jets and lights invites itself to the party.

Neuchâtel Arteplage

The arteplage in Neuchâtel offers passersby a landscape that is disconcerting, to say the least. Three magnificent domes mix with artificial reeds planted in the lake. For a little, the visitor could believe that aliens have landed.

Table of Contents
Also to be consulted

Northern Europe – Russia

Morocco and Atlas on mountain bike

A few days in China

Week-end in Prague


Simon Berger’s exhibition

Week-end in Istanbul

Peru – Bolivia – Ecuador

Weekend in London

Malaysia and Singapore

Also to be consulted

Weekend in London

Vietnam and Cambodia

Malaysia and Singapore

Morocco and Atlas on mountain bike

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