
The most beautiful pictures

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Go to Mexico, a country with a rich history and culture. Whether it is the Mayan ruins, the Spanish colonization, the paradisiacal islands, the gastronomy halfway between the local and European cultures, Mexico has something to please you. By bus or by car, Mexico can be visited very easily.

Mexico City

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. The population of Mexico is close to 120 million (in 1999). The population of Mexico City alone is 20 million (in 1999). Its neighbors are the United States (to the north), Guatemala (to the south), and the small country of Belize (to the southeast). Mexican Spanish is officially spoken, but in reality, Mexico has 68 languages, mostly regional dialects based on Quechua.


Xochemilco is a vast maze of floating canals around Mexico City. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is possible to navigate the 170km of canals by taking a gondola called “Trajineras”.


Teotihuacan is an ancient site, located 40km from Mexico City. It is an ancient Mesoamerican city, dating from the pre-Columbian era, with two large pyramids very well preserved, the pyramid of the sun and the pyramid of the moon.


Puebla is a city located 135km from Mexico City. Its population is 5 million (in 1999). It is the 5th largest city in Mexico.


Taxco was built on a hill. It is perched at an altitude of 1780 meters. Its name means “Place of the ball game” in the local language. Taxco is known far and wide for its silver jewelry factories. The Spanish colonial architecture is really present in the whole city. It is a good place to live. The Swiss built a cable car here.


To get to Oaxaca from Taxco, you have to retrace your steps to Puebla. That’s over 500km. Fortunately, there are bus lines traveling at night between Puebla and Oaxaca. Otherwise, Oaxaca is a city 460km from Mexico City.

Oaxaca de Juárez, more simply called Oaxaca, is a small city of more than 3.5 million people (in 1999). Also colonized by the Spanish, it has managed to keep a trace of its past thanks to the many indigenous people who still live there.

Varieties of succulents grow in front of the cathedral of “Our Lady of the Assumption”.

Monte Albán

The pre-Columbian site of Monte Albán is located just 9km from Oaxaca. It is a UNESCO protected site since 1987. The city was built in the 3rd century B.C.

The main monument of Monte Albán is its central plaza and ball game field. A story says that the loser of the game would be beheaded. The ancestor of the circus games of Rome.

San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal is the capital of Chiapas. It is also an excellent base for visiting the surrounding historical sites.

Canyon del Sumidero

The Canyon del Sumidero is located 75km from San Cristobal. The visit of the canyon is done by boat. The water of the cascades falling on the rocks is of great beauty.

The blue lagoon of Agua Azul

The lagoon is located not far from the canyon. A haven of peace for those who like to commune with nature.


From San Cristobal, don’t forget to stop in Palenque.

Palenque is located just over 200km from San Cristobal. It is a site of the “Mayan” civilization. Built in the middle of the jungle, it was very difficult to discover it. Its climate is very wet. It rains often and a lot.

This is one of the best preserved Mayan sites in the world. Enlisted as a UNESCO heritage site in 1987.


As you leave Palenque, plan to stop in the city of Campeche, located 350km away. The area is full of archaeological sites, including Uxmal.

Uxmal is a site of the “Maya” civilization. It is also a UNESCO heritage site since 1996. It is known for its magnificent temples, relatively well preserved, including the governor’s palace, the astronomical tower.

Chichén Itzá

Chichen Itza is the most famous archaeological site in Mexico. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1988. The great central pyramid is called “Temple of Kukulcan”, more commonly known as “El Castillo”. You can visit its interior where you can see its guardian, the “red jaguar”.

Temple of Kukulcán

Strange fauna …

Only in Chichén Itzá can you see tarantulas and dragons.

Isla Mujeres

There would still be plenty of places to visit like the seaside site of Tulum, but this travel will end on Isla Mujeres (the island of women).

Isla Mujeres is a small island located at the northeastern tip of Mexico, just off the city of Cancún. The island can be reached in 30 minutes by boat.

Table of Contents
Also to be consulted

Mount Kilimanjaro

Canada (West)

Simon Berger’s exhibition

Ice Palace

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Belfast and the Giant’s Causeway

Week-end in Istanbul

Week-end in Prague

Northern Europe – Russia

Norway in winter

Also to be consulted

Malaysia and Singapore

World Exhibition ’02

Week-end in Istanbul

Weekend in London

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