Tour of Ireland (Day 9)

Table of contents
A crossing from east to west, from the countryside to the city, from the quiet to a big noisy city, Cork. And a small return in my prime youth awaited me at the end of the stage.

Leaving Kenmare

This morning I leave Kenmare and County Kerry for the great city of Cork. A nice bump awaits us at the start of this stage. It climbs regularly but surely. So take your courage with two feet. The descent that follows just behind is much nicer. At the foot of the hump is the charming village of Glengariff, located on the edge of a lake.


A nice descent awaits us between Kilmurry and Crookstown. From Crookstown, the road is very flat and it is so much the better. Enough bumps for the day. At the approach of Cork, the traffic gets denser and it becomes quite dangerous to arrive in town. It is really necessary to be very careful.

Cork is not a very nice city, it is very industrial. It is the 2nd largest city in Ireland. It has 120’000 inhabitants. The river Lee flows in the city center. The facades of the houses, as usual, are very colorful.

Cork’s colorful streets

It reminded me my early youth, but I spent the night at the youth hostel, comfortable, well-kept, but noisy.

Cork Youth Hostel
Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Tuscany (Day 1)

Tour of Ireland (Day 8)

Tour of Gantrisch

Tour of Ireland (Day 4)

Tour of Ireland (Day 2)

Tour of Ireland (Day 10)

Tour of Tuscany (Day 3)

Tour of Corsica (Day 2)

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 4)

Tour of Ireland (Day 3)

Tour of Ireland (Day 14)

Tour of Corsica (Day 3)

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