Tour of Corsica (Day 3)

Table of contents
The stage between the col of Bavella and Sartène is not difficult, compared to the 2nd day. A nice road for the most part downhill and flat, through the forest and along the Ortolo river.

Descent to Palavesa

To rest from the previous day, the first 40 kilometers to Palavesa are downhill. The road skirts the Ospedale reservoir, then goes deep into the forest. It’s really quiet and relaxing.


The continuation is no more difficult with a passage through Muratello, Figari, Pianottoli. The traffic gets a little heavier, following the “T40”. At the 90th kilometer, the road forks right to follow the “D250” and becomes narrower following the Ortolo. Another ten kilometers or so uphill along the river, before descending to Sartène.

The fork in the road with the D250

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 7)

Tour of Ireland (Day 3)

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Tour of Lake Schiffenen

Tour of Tuscany (Day 6)

Tour of Ireland (Day 10)

Tour of Corsica (Day 2)

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 6)

Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 3)

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Tour of Ireland (Day 10)

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