Tour of Corsica (Day 1)

Table of contents
Departure from Algajola, in the north, to reach the mountains of the center-east. The first twenty kilometers are a leisurely ride along the seashore to warm up. The next part, more difficult, takes us to the ascent of two bumps for a final descent to Verdese.

Col of Prato

On this first stage from Algajola, two difficulties. The first is the climb to Pietralba, a 400m ascension over approximatively ten kilometers. The second bump of the day climbs from Ponte Leccia, all winding for nearly 800m, to reach the col of Prato, at 985m above sea level, just outside Morosaglia.

Col of Prato


The end of the stage continues downhill to Verdèse.

Table of contents
Also to be consulted

Tour of Ireland (Day 2)

Tour of Corsica (Day 5)

Télégraphe and Galibier

Tour of Chalet-à-Gobet

Tour of Ireland (Day 9)

Tour of Lake Schiffenen

Tour of Tuscany (Day 6)

Tour of Ireland (Day 12)

Tour of Ireland (Day 11)

Col of La Croix

Also to be consulted

Tour of Sottens

Tour of Ireland (Day 8)

Tour of Ireland (Day 13)

Col of La Croix

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